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润安公学 一所有情怀的学校






    Spring is warm and flowers bloom, and students come back. The future education department cares about the physical and mental health of every student. The leaders of the department attach great importance to the mental health education and safety education of students, and especially carry out the investigation of students' mental health in the new semester, it mainly focuses on students' emotional regulation, environmental adaptation, interpersonal relationship, learning pressure and other aspects.




    Since the beginning of the term, we have carried out a number of mental health education work. For the lower grade students in PYP department, according to the age characteristics of the students, we carry out psychological sand table group counseling activities, in which we experience rules, concentration, frustration, conflict, negotiation, reconciliation, cooperation, psychological processes such as creation. Help students adapt to the new semester, adjust their emotions and learn how to deal with interpersonal relationships with classmates.




    We carried out the evaluation work of professional psychological scale for the senior students of PYP Department and the whole MYP department. After the students filled in, we made statistics and analysis on the data, in order to better understand the students' mental health status, and feedback the results of students' psychological evaluation to the corresponding educational tutors and class teachers, and strive to infiltrate students' mental health education into daily teaching and life, to better help students develop physically and mentally.





   For students who have mental health problems, for example, some have depression due to high learning pressure, and some feel anxious due to interpersonal relationship problems, some are rebellious and weary of learning because they have great conflicts with their parents. We will provide some help and psychological guidance to students, communicate with parents, give some family guidance, do a good job in family-School joint education, and create a good growth atmosphere, help them relieve stress and anxiety. We have also carried out continuous psychological counseling for "seven types of special students" and established a long-term psychological care account for students. Truly put students' mental health work into practice and bring some light to students in need.




   Through the development of this mental health work, it is of great significance to protect students' physical and mental health attentively for improving students' mental health level! 

地址:合肥市经济技术开发区繁华西路292号 电话:0551-0551-63821888 、63821186(招生办)

友情单位: 西南科技大学城市学院 | 合肥易立迅科技有限公司 | 福元馨禧月子中心 | 合肥市第六中学 | PD系统 | 邮箱:hfrunan@163.com 微信号:hfrunangx

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