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走进安徽省科技馆 一场穿越时空的探究之旅




       If you are full of curiosity about the world, then we will accompany you to have a look.




       In order to deeply understand the central idea of this round of inquiry: Exploring the unknown may lead to discovery and form new understanding. On November 30, teachers and students of PYP sixth grade of Future Education Center walked to Anhui Science and Technology Museum  with joy, with the clue of "deepening understanding can promote action, A brand new day began.




       Before departure, the teacher explained the matters that they need to pay attention to the children. At 8:15 in the morning, the children put on red scarves and set off on time! After half an hour's drive, the teachers and students arrived at their destination safely. The students lined up in front of the Science and Technology Museum with the inquiry materials, and entered the site in an orderly manner after confirming their identities one by one. Entering the hall, the first thing you see is the giant naked eye 3D spherical screen playing animation circularly, which is very shocking! Students stopped here to take photos.





       The entire venue has nine permanent exhibition halls, one science show, one temporary exhibition hall, the country's first quantum technology theme exhibition hall, and the country's first digital twin Science and Technology Museum. The exhibits inside are dizzying.





       The students visited the exhibition halls of "Exploration of universe", "Quantum Exploration" and "Scientific Journey. In the exhibition hall, as if you were in the sea of stars, the students tried to operate and felt the ultimate romance from the universe.





       In the face of the ancient tool wall, the children can not help but praise the wisdom of the ancients! When seeing Archimedes' principle on the knowledge wall, the children learned the story behind the crown through the introduction of the commentator. When facing various celestial bodies in the universe, the students couldn't wait to be the best teacher, curiosity sprouted in real situations, which should be the greatest significance of exploration.





       This inquiry journey is coming to an end unconsciously. The students reluctantly ended the experience. Many students have already written down a lot of knowledge points on the inquiry list, these scientific and technological exhibits are the crystallization of human wisdom in exploring the unknown. People use these scientific and technological achievements to further explore the unknown world. Through inquiry, we hope that Runan's children will be happy, independent thinking and confident learners, and continue to open new inquiry with curiosity about the world!



地址:合肥市经济技术开发区繁华西路292号 电话:0551-0551-63821888 、63821186(招生办)

友情单位: 西南科技大学城市学院 | 合肥易立迅科技有限公司 | 福元馨禧月子中心 | 合肥市第六中学 | PD系统 | 邮箱:hfrunan@163.com 微信号:hfrunangx

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