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      Reading makes a man graceful.Reading affords wisdom.When the "Flying Flower order" appears on campus,what kind of scenery will it be? Now, let's make friends with poetry. Let's enjoy the elegant demeanour of MYP students ~




      In the early stage of the activity, each class responded positively and organized the "Flying Flower Order" preliminary competition with the class as a unit. During the whole process, the participation of students was high and the on-site competitive atmosphere was strong. A sentence of beautiful poems echoed on the scene, making everyone appreciate the charm of ancient poetry, and also showing the brilliant traditional classical poetry culture of the Chinese nation. The last four representative teams enter the final competition. The seventh grade 1 team competed for the championship and runner-up against the eighth grade team, and the seventh grade 2 team competed for the third and fourth place against the ninth grade team.





      Publicity posters drawn by Wu Mengjie students in grade 7 for the activity





      Poetry is the cultural gene infiltrated in the blood of every Chinese, which awakens the cultural memory in our hearts. The two-month "Flying Flower Order" activity from plan formulation, student preparation, and level selection finally kicked off.





      Grade seven students Yang Ruoxi and Guo Yu Han brought us an opening performance with cello and Guzheng. They added color to the flying flower competition with wonderful music.





      The host introduced the origin of "Flying Flower Order". "Flying Flower Order" is a word game played by the ancients when making wine orders, which belongs to Ya Ling. It was first born in Zhou and originated from the Confucian "ritual". Originating from the interest of ancient poetry, it is named after the famous sentence "Where is the spring city without flying flowers" in the Tang Dynasty poet Han Hong "Cold Food". The host announced the requirements, criteria and rules of the competition.





      After the contestants were ready, the activity officially began. The host randomly selected flying flower orders. Faced with different orders, the students in each group began to think quickly and answer in turn, blurting out a poem. There was frequent applause from the audience, which ignited the enthusiasm of the competition site. The contestants on the stage answered calmly and witty words. In addition to being able to recite familiar verses, they also often answered remote verses. It can be said that the accumulation of poems is rich and amazing!





      The midfield "big soldiers on the field" pushed the activity to a climax. The "big soldiers on the field" showed that the students' poetry background was quite deep, brought us a lot of joy, and also showed the beauty of Chinese poetry.




      After an exciting competition, the eighth-grade team won the championship, the seventh-grade team won the runner-up, the ninth-grade team won the third place, and the seventh-grade team won the Excellence Award. Next is the exciting award ceremony.





      ally, once again welcome the seventh grade students to bring us the final performance, the song "May we all be sound and well".




      In ancient times, there were winding water cups, and today there are flying flowers on campus. This poem "Flying Flower Order" competition and answer activity, adhering to the attitude of "learning poetry can be emotional, high-minded, and beautiful", provides a stage for students to show themselves, enhance the students' cultural heritage. I hope that this "Flying Flower Order" activity can throw bricks to attract jade, so that students can appreciate the classical charm and appreciate the charm of poetry in the process of "Flying Flower Order". There are poems in the pen and talents in the heart! Improve aesthetics in reading poems, spread culture in sharing poems, and personally realize the beauty of my country's excellent traditional culture.


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