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激发能动性 赋能孩子成长

      PYP英语单词比赛Spelling bee在同学们的翘首以盼下如期举行!同学们从学期初就开始做准备,听音能拼,见词能读,日积月累,就是为了在比赛中拿出实力和对手们一决高下。


      English word competition Spelling Bee of PYP department was held as scheduled with the eager anticipation of the students! The students started preparing from the beginning of the semester. They heard the pronunciation of the words and were able to spell them out. They were able to read the words when they saw them. Over time, they were able to show their strength and compete with their opponents in the competition.



      为了激发学习者社区里每一位学生的主观能动性,助力其融入到浓厚的英语学习氛围中,本次英语单词比赛分为Word connection、Spell that word和最激烈的Spelling bee contest三个环节。把主导权、发言权、选择权交给学生,自主选择适合自己的比赛环节,代表班级参赛,为班级总积分出力,协作进取,挑战自我,大胆展示。


      In order to stimulate the subjective agency of every student in the learning community and help them integrate into a strong English learning atmosphere, this English word competition is divided into three parts: Word connection, Spell that word and Spelling bee which is the most intense.Give students the rights of voice,choice and ownship. They can independently choose the competition part that suits them, represent the class in the competition, contribute to the total points of the class, collaborate and make progress, challenge themselves, and show boldly.





      From the design to the implementation of the competition, it reflects the differentiation teaching of the English subject and respects the individual differences of students.The teachers in the English group discussed and finalized each competition rule, evaluation details and competition process for many times to ensure that the results of the competition were fair and just, and that the competition was challenging, engaging,relevant and significant.



      在最后的Spelling bee contest环节,强强对决,必有紧张激烈,在比赛白热化阶段,更是锻炼选手强大心理素质的关键时刻。让我们看看孩子们的精彩表现吧!


      In the final stage of the Spelling Bee contest, the showdown between strong players is bound to be intense. In the heat of the competition, it is a critical moment to train the players' strong psychological quality. Let's take a look at the wonderful performance of the children!





      This English activity is not just an activity-based assessment, it also organizes children into different learning groups, and participation will also promote group learning, giving each child an opportunity to demonstrate and communicate.


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