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润安公学 一所有情怀的学校

走进美术馆 探究艺术之美


      This place combines the beauty of ancient and modern art; it brings  Chinese and foreign treasures together to create a palace of beauty.This is what the famous Anhui Art Museum is about. In order to better understand the central idea of this round of UOI inquiry, "A person's aesthetic appreciation shows all aspects of oneself", Grade 5 teachers and students of the PYP Department of the Future Education Center went to the Anhui Art Museum to enjoy art classics and understand the true meaning of art.





      In the blink of an eye, the world changes. In an instant, he turned around for a thousand years. The museum is currently exhibiting "Dunhuang Murals - Murals and Digital Art Exhibition". Gossamers fall from the sky, colorful rocks accumulate, patterns are flying, plans are planned as desired, and everything comes together... The children are here to explore the past and present of Dunhuang art. The rich exhibits attracted the attention of the students. During the exploration, they learned about the various materials and creative techniques required for artistic creation, as well as the information that the artistic works hope to convey. At the same time, students inquired how various artistic elements are integrated together, further deepening the connotation of this aesthetic exploration.



      The students did not forget to record carefully during the process of aesthetic appreciation. Everyone expressed their feelings and insights in the inquiry form. Every child benefited a lot from the inquiry journey. They have a deeper understanding that artistic appreciation is not just about form  or color, but also a profound reflection on life.




      This UOI inquiry provides students with an opportunity to view top-notch works of art up close, injecting new impetus into future study and life. Our UOI inquiry not only takes place in school, but various venues are also good places for us to study. In the PYP primary school stage, through the transdisciplinary concept and education model, we focus on "students" and use "problems" as the starting point to give full play to students' abilities. initiative. Education is everywhere in life. This is a community of learners where we feel joy and continue to grow through inquiry.




      I hope every child can run freely in the process of "walking" and learn through practice!



地址:合肥市经济技术开发区繁华西路292号 电话:0551-0551-63821888 、63821186(招生办)

友情单位: 西南科技大学城市学院 | 合肥易立迅科技有限公司 | 福元馨禧月子中心 | 合肥市第六中学 | PD系统 | 邮箱:hfrunan@163.com 微信号:hfrunangx

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